As Author
you need to submit your full paper before submission deadline, which will enter the preliminary review process. And you'll be informed of the review status of your paper by the notification date, if accepted, your paper will be published into the conference proceedings. Plus you'll be entitled to present your paper at the conference.
Author registration fee includes
12 minutes Oral presentation / Poster Presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A; Paper publication; Attendance to all sessions; Conference program; Name tag; Certificate of presentation; Conference bag; Lunch and coffee breaks.
As Presenter
you need to submit your abstract to us before submission deadline. The conference committee will perform a brief review, and you'll be granted the chance to present your abstract as oral presention/poster if it passes the review.
Presenter registration fee includes:
12 minutes Oral presentation / Poster Presentation and 3 minutes for Q&A; Attendance to all sessions;Conference program; Name tag; Certificate of presentation; Conference bag; Lunch and coffee breaks.
As Listener
you’re simply required to fill out the Registration form for Listeners and send it to us via email before the registration deadline. We'll contact you after we review the form.
As Listener
Attendance to all sessions; Conference program; Name tag; Certificate of presentation; Conference bag; Lunch and coffee break
One regular registration is within 6 Pages including all figures, tables, and references. Extra pages will be charged.
One regular registration with one or more additional papers get only ONE proceedings.
At least one author for each accepted final paper must register for paper publication.
Students must provide proof of their status to the conference secretariat.
The cost of the hotel accommodation and travel is not included in the registration fee.
The conference papers will be submitted for publication on time, and the publishing press will submit the proceedings to major database, such as EI, SCOPUS, Google Scholar and other databases. Since the database has the right to selected for inclusion in the engineering database, so we can not make any guarantee for any index. Please consider clearly before registering.